
Through the generous support of donors, the Alamo Colleges Foundation offers a wide variety of scholarships. 十大网赌正规网址官网的学生每学年提交一份普通奖学金申请, 他们会自动被考虑申请所有十大网赌正规网址官网基金会奖学金,并与符合条件的奖励机会相匹配.

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Applying for Foundation Scholarships

2024 - 2025 Scholarship Application Re-Opens Soon!

The scholarship application will open in January, for Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and/or Summer 2025 awards.

Application Opens: January 15, 2024

Application Closes: May 15, 2024

The scholarship application will reopen from               September 16 to September 30, and allows new applicants 获得2024-2025学年有限的剩余机会.

其他奖学金可能也会提供,每种奖学金都有自己的要求和截止日期. We encourage you to review the scholarship listing here throughout the academic year.

View All Opportunities and Apply for Scholarships

学生必须被十大网赌正规网址官网录取或注册,才能拥有ACES电子邮件, which is required to create an account and to apply for scholarships. 

Scholarship eligibility is based on various factors such as academic merit, program of study, community service, extracurricular activities, residency, campus/club organization, and/or financial need. Foundation scholarships are awarded and administered without regard to race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. All students are invited to apply for available scholarships.


Scholarship FAQs

学生每学年可以提交一份普通奖学金申请,以申请所有十大网赌正规网址官网基金会奖学金. If you are a previous applicant or want to be considered for scholarship renewal, you must apply again to be considered for 2024-2025 academic year funding. 成功提交奖学金申请的学生将收到一封确认邮件 email. Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee an award.

Merit and need-based opportunities are available. 希望竞争基于需求的奖学金的学生必须提交2024-2025年联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA) to qualify. 

When is the application deadline?

2024-2025 Scholarship Application

Application Opens: January 15, 2024

Application Deadline: May 15, 2024

The 2024-2025 application is now closed. Additional open dates may become avialable, and will be listed here and on the scholarship portal.


To increase the possibility of receiving a scholarship award, students should submit their completed applications before the deadline. 学生在整个学年都有资格获得奖学金. 获奖者将通过ACES的电子邮件收到通知,并有两周的时间来接受他们的奖项.

Where can I apply for Alamo Colleges Foundation scholarships?



一些学术课程也提供部门奖学金,要求你完成单独的奖学金申请. 请向负责你的专业或学习计划的学术部门询问这些奖学金.

What grade point average (GPA) do I have to have to receive a scholarship?

Although many scholarships require a 2.平均成绩达到5分或以上,也有一些奖学金要求达到2分.0 GPA or greater.

How many credit hours do I have to be enrolled in to receive a scholarship?

Most scholarships require you be enrolled full time (12 credit hours or more). 然而,一些奖学金只要求至少6个学分(兼职)。.

Do you count developmental courses as credit?

Yes. 十大网赌正规网址官网区在考虑入学时数时承认发展性课程. Refer to the scholarship criteria for which you are applying.

如果它声明在特定奖学金的要求中不允许发展课程, then you would not be considered in that pool of applicants; however, the majority of Foundation scholarship opportunities allow developmental courses.

Do I have to pay taxes on my scholarship awards?

Please refer to for detailed information regarding personal finance and taxes.

Why are there so many questions on the scholarship application?

Alamo Colleges Foundation offers many different scholarships. 重要的是,你要完整地完成申请,这样我们才能考虑你是否有资格获得每一项奖学金.


一些奖学金需要额外的文件,如推荐信, or an additional essay. 如果您被考虑获得此类奖学金,奖学金团队或相关学院部门的人员将与您联系并提交这些文件.

Alamo Colleges Foundation Scholarships Process

Selection of Recipients

奖学金评委或奖学金评选委员会审查并评分奖学金申请. 评委/委员会成员由教职员工和/或社区代表组成.

Rating points are given to each applicant for GPA, academic plans, extracurricular activities, leadership skills, participation in community activities, and responses to the essay questions.

Selections are based on the applicant meeting the minimum scholarship criteria, and the points given by scholarship judges/selection committees.

Foundation scholarships are awarded and administered without regard to race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. All students are invited to apply for available scholarships

*If you are not a currently enrolled student, and would like to particapte in our judging process, please visit Scholarship Judging | Alamo Colleges.


Notification of Award

奖学金审查在申请截止日期后开始,并持续整个学年. You will be notified by email if you are selected to receive a scholarship.

Scholarship Renewal

There are some scholarships that are renewable, depending on donor wishes. 只要奖学金获得者保持奖学金的标准和要求,这些奖学金就会每学期更新一次.

At the time of the initial award, you will be notified if the scholarship you are awarded is renewable.

Revocation of Award

如果接受者未能达到学术进步标准,十大网赌正规网址官网基金会保留随时取消任何奖学金的权利, scholarship criteria and requirements, or if falsification of information is reported or determined.

There may be situations where if a scholarship renewal is denied, you can apply for an appeal based on GPA and/or credit hour deficiency, or you have dropped a course, and are requesting an exception for repayment. Please complete the Scholarship Appeal Form.

Scholarship Essays

奖学金申请有几个短文问题,让你有机会介绍自己和讨论你的教育背景, career and life goals.

奖学金申请论文由奖学金评委和评选委员会审查. In addition to GPA, volunteerism, leadership, community service, military service, employment, and extracurricular activities, 你的论文应该让你与众不同,让奖学金评委和委员会成员知道为什么他们应该把你的申请看得比其他所有申请人都重要.

Application Essay Information and Tips

The scholarship essay is one of the most important parts of the application. The essays are reviewed by scholarship judges and selection committees. 你的论文应该让你脱颖而出,让奖学金评委和委员会成员知道为什么他们应该把你的申请看得比其他所有申请人都重要.

Essays are scored based on content and grammar.  Be sure to proofread before you submit.


Respond to the following two prompts. 请使用完整的句子,并校对你的回答的拼写、语法和标点符号. Responses must be between 200 and 500 words.

Essay Question #1

Essay One: Without including your name, tell us about yourself. 这是你展示你是谁以及你做什么的机会.

For example, you may include items like the following:

  • Where were you born and where do you live now?
  • 你如何描述你自己:优点,缺点,以及在生活中学到的教训?
  • What activities are you involved in such as employment, family commitments, military service, community service, organizations, hobbies, and/or extracurricular activities?
  • What are your personal and professional goals?
  • 你认为你的个人、专业和/或学术成就是什么? 
Essay Question #2

文书2:告诉我们你为什么要在十大网赌正规网址官网接受高等教育,以及奖学金将如何影响你. 这是你解释你的学术目标的机会,以及奖学金如何直接影响你实现这个目标.

For example, you may include items like the following:

  • Why are you choosing to continue your education at Alamo Colleges?
  • What would receiving a scholarship mean to you?
  • What are your academic, educational, career, financial, and/or personal goals and how would a scholarship help you?
  • Describe what you are studying and why?
  • Are there any specific issues that receiving a scholarship would solve for you?
  • What expenses would a scholarship most help with?
PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarship

Launched in March 2021, 这个4000万美元的项目支持即将进入社区大学的学生和即将进入四年制大学的毕业生. 该项目旨在解决历史障碍,这些障碍往往使学生难以入学, persist, and graduate from college.

View Recipients & Info

Scholarship Coordinators

San Antonio College

1819 N. Main Avenue
San Antonio, Texas 78212

SAC Contact Info


St. Philip’s College

1801 Martin Luther King Dr.
San Antonio, Texas 78203

SPC Contact Info

St. Philip’s College Southwest Campus

800 Quintana Road
San Antonio, Texas 78211

SPC Contact Info

Palo Alto College

1400 W. Villaret Blvd.
San Antonio, Texas 78224

PAC Contact Info

Northwest Vista College

3535 N. Ellison Dr.
San Antonio, Texas 78251

NVC Contact Info

Northeast Lakeview College

1201 Kitty Hawk Rd.
Universal City, Texas 78148

NLC Contact Info



Alamo Colleges Foundation

2222 N. Alamo St.
San Antonio, Texas 78215


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